Tuesday, April 17, 2007

If you have a sore throat and runny nose, GO TO THIS SITE NOW

Brought to your attention by the folks at Web Worker Daily. whoissick.org lets people track health symptoms in their area and is a great idea. I really hate staggering into CVS for cough syrup and listening to everybody else hacking and coughing in the aisles. My husband spent 5 hours in the ER at Salem Hospital last week, coughing so bad that he was almost suffocating, only to have an intern poke him for about 2 minutes before saying "Yep, bronchitis, it's been making the rounds lately." Three days before that, our daughter woke up vomiting at 5 in the morning. After 12 hours of watching her spew from both ends we broke down and called a nurse only to be told, "Yep, it's that stomach bug going around." So finally, somebody got sick of closing the barn door after the horse escaped and came up with the kind of site that the World Wide Web was invented for; a public health wiki.
