Wednesday, January 28, 2009

How to Cure Cabin Fever in a Blizzard

It's snowing/sleeting/raining today and I did manage to get out and clear my car off in time to move it so my space can get plowed out. So I feel like I got at least something constructive done today.

BTW, when I ventured out, I was the first one to do so, and the stairs needed cleaning off too. I was already carrying some laundry so I simply started moving the fast accumulating snow off the steps with my feet. It occured to me as I was doing so that it made a good kung fu exercise, kind of like a sweeping kick drill. I started trying to get as much snow off each one step as I could with one kick.

Then, moving on to the car, I kept it going as I used my snowscraper like a broadsword and tried to challenge myself with how much heavy wet snow I could push off the roof with each stroke. First with one hand, then both hands.

You could probably practice some more form moves with other snow-removal implements, but it's a start.



David Moisan said...

Don't forget to practice falls. Years ago, in my old apartment on the Common, I forgot to do that. I got cute trying to take out the trash via the back steps that were pure ice.

My ankle still remembers it, and not fondly either.